Congratulations and statements after the Easter Parade

On the 17th of April several congratulations were sent to the Combined Airlift Task Force (CALTF) after they delivered 12.941 (short) tons to Berlin in 24 hours.

General Lucius D. Clay, EUCOM commander: “Today´s smashing demonstration of the ability of the CALTF and its supporting units to cope with the Soviet blockade of Berlin is a convincing testimonial to the development of strategic air transport as a weapon of peace as well as of war.”

Maj.General R.W. Douglas, USAFE Chief of staff: “The new record tonnage flown to Berlin in a single day is a direct result of teamwork and cooperation between the three branches of our Armed Forces working in close accord with the forces of Great Britain and France in the interest of world peace.“

Maj General W.H. Tunner, CALTF Commander: “This day becomes one of the brightest pages in air transport history. Only the spirited effort on the part of all mechanics, pilots, air crews, truck drivers, air traffic controllers, weather men and all others has made this day possible. It is inspiring that men and women of so many nations and organizations can join together during this religious holiday to present such a gigantic Easter present to the populace of Berlin.“

The British Daily Telegraph wrote on the 19th: “The record established by airlift pilots is a master feat which proves to the Russians that the blockade is a complete failure.“